Friday, October 2, 2015

Putin is Not Bluffing

The Economist issued an article today titled: Putin dares, Obama dithers, today after hearing news of Russia's leader, Vladimir Putin, interfering in Syria on what Obama thought was a bluff. On September 30th, the first day of bombing from Russia in Syria, the world is beginning to see a; "leader of a new global war on terrorism."

A leader that is making Obama rethink his poker skills, Putin is at the end of his bluffing. We thought Russia wouldn't invade Ukraine, but now they are all over the Middle East, even in our domain. So we come to question, is Obama going to be like George Bush in Iraq and intervene, or is he going to hide behind his white picket fence in fear that he will cause more trouble? Either way, America is in a tough situation that is causing our people to feel not 'so great' anymore.

I have been satisfied with Obama's decisions on our homeland, but when it comes to foreign affairs his premature withdraws are causing more deaths, and chaos. Obama is a very smart individual who I understand his thought process of being cautious and wary on America's intervention. However, now is not time to sit and wait when we clearly have been out bluffed by rising leader Vladimir Putin. Soon our absence in this new global war will cause extremism to, "fester and force the superpower to intervene."

Hopefully with Putin's end to his bluffing, Obama will realize he needs to have a, "bit more of Mr Putin’s taste for daring. With little time Obama has in office, I hope he takes action. If not, Russia will be the new super power of the world on terrorism.

Original Article

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