Thursday, August 27, 2015

7 Billion Humans, 7 Billion Individuals

Hi. I'm a bit awkward at starting a social introduction, so please just bear with me. I guess I can start off with my name, and all that jazz. I'm Summer. No not the season, but still delightful to greet. I am currently a senior in high school. I love to rock climb, sail, and backpack. You may be wondering why such a high school student is doing here. I wonder myself at times, but have finally come to a conclusion. I love to challenge myself, and to do that I decided to enroll in a college course. Okay, maybe not 100%. More like 20%. The other reason was to get away from my schools ACC rundown portable. I believe learning is as hard enough as it is, I don't need a classroom as cold as a freezer. In all seriousness though, I am interested in majoring in Criminology, and being able to understand my nations government is not a bad idea. So out of the seven billion people in the world, I am lucky and thankful to meet a few unique individuals through this course. And hopefully together we can use our knowledge and appreciation for our country to make it stronger.